Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Christ The Redeemer / Christ The Taker Away

And so nearly a year's worth of touring goes out with a whimper. No great fanfare, just an undersold, less than enthusiastic crowd and a show that was hanging on by a thread for it's entire duration.

Remember the time that Jose Feliciano, the blind musician who sang (sings?) Feliz Navidad pissed all over the bathroom floor at the Rio airport? Well, I do. Just putting that out there.

Belo Horizonte

Last show.

And the last time the crew was all in the same place together. It's been a blast, so far.

I have managed to eat my first meal back, at Citrus Club. I could politely and calmly ask for more water (and actually be able to drink it without suffering a roaring dysentery) as well as have something not made of or soaked in beef for the first time in weeks. Who cares if it looked like dog food. It was delicious.

On the "key problem" facing Brazil: "Brazilians live there." -Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nary a whimper is right...

Had some good times and catch YOU on the road!

Have fun in Australia!!

11:40 AM  

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