Saturday, September 09, 2006

Comedy 'Tache

So this afternoon I decided to get rid of a big stack of CD's. Last weekend I sold a bunch at Sound Fix in Brooklyn, but still had a ton left over and, let's face it, the compact disc is a dead medium. I put an ad up in the free section of craig's list stating that there was a small box of CD's outside of my apartment that included, but was certainly not limited to, things that were sure to wet the pants of any indie music snob this side of the East River. In my mind I pictured a pseudo-utopian gathering at the steps of my building; people casually picking over my discarded records and discussing the current cultural void of modern music. "Oh, that one is great, but I prefer their first record." "Have you seen them live? Yeah, they have all kinds of shit on fire like Ted Nugent.' That sort of stuff. It could have been an excersise in socialist practice. Some dick, however, decided to wander by, pick up the entire box and just carry on. So it goes. This is, once again, why we don't have nice things.

On an all together diferent note, last night at the famed and infamed Prada fiasco a bunch of my Interpol pals turned up who I hadn't seen in ages. I chatted for a bit while working. I didn't however get to see Carlos who, as I've heard, has spent the better part of his year off attempting to grow facial hair with somewhat spectacular results. There were pictures to support this fact.

Oh, it makes me smile. He looks like the painting on the cover of a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo that I have on my bookshelf. He also looks like Gene Shallot.

Sometimes I laugh so hard that it hurts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok. So the other day I was standing outside my friends apt. and there was this guy moving all these boxes, computer parts, and synths in to the building. I said to my friend, "it looks like Carlos D. is moving into your building...but I actually dont think its him cause he looks weird. but he dresses like him, so maybe it is him, who knows?"...and my friend and I just sorta looked, and I kept saying "this is weird. it looks like him but this guy has weird facial hair, so it cant be"...I was very puzzled. I remember sitting there thinking to myself that this fucker moving all this shit in had the weirdest facial hair ever and SORTA resembled Carlos D. Well, Well...Lucas....thanks to your post about this, now I KNOW it WAS carlos D.!!! OMG!!!

12:32 PM  

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