Heavy Metal Compromise
That is Bobby's code for a really excellent mullet. Other acceptable alternatives are 'El Camino' and 'Hockey Hair.' We discussed this, and many other entrancing subjects while waiting for an hour and a half to cross the Canadian border into Toronto today. Here is Bobby last night playing the guitar and singing in the middle of 49th Street at 2 AM.

Last night was the much stressed over Bowery Ballroom show. Much of the last few weeks has been spent rattling about ideas of how to fit a band on a small stage and make it look good. It wasn't easy, and it was a particularly hot day in NY (the famed ideal three weeks per year of nice weather having come and gone). The Bowery is where I had my first real job doing lights, and I've seen some incredible shows there. It was a nice homecoming. Damn near everyone seems to be right where I left them as always. I like that.
I got to see a bunch of good friends last night. Good friends always seem to pop up when you are having a terribly stressful day and want nothing more than to run around town and buy the new Shellac record (which I managed to do...it's called 'Excellent Italian Greyhound'...ha!). Scheid stopped by during the day. We missed the Dinosaur Jr. show tonight in NY. Such is life. I saw Blasco who is fresh off his new gig with the secret machines, PJ who is just about as crazy as I remember (and who tried to drag me on to the roof of the club before the show even started), and a grinning Richard Priest in a new white suit. It was a good one. After all was said and done one girl tapped me on the shoulder and said the lights were 'fucking awesome.' Works for me.

Last night was the much stressed over Bowery Ballroom show. Much of the last few weeks has been spent rattling about ideas of how to fit a band on a small stage and make it look good. It wasn't easy, and it was a particularly hot day in NY (the famed ideal three weeks per year of nice weather having come and gone). The Bowery is where I had my first real job doing lights, and I've seen some incredible shows there. It was a nice homecoming. Damn near everyone seems to be right where I left them as always. I like that.
I got to see a bunch of good friends last night. Good friends always seem to pop up when you are having a terribly stressful day and want nothing more than to run around town and buy the new Shellac record (which I managed to do...it's called 'Excellent Italian Greyhound'...ha!). Scheid stopped by during the day. We missed the Dinosaur Jr. show tonight in NY. Such is life. I saw Blasco who is fresh off his new gig with the secret machines, PJ who is just about as crazy as I remember (and who tried to drag me on to the roof of the club before the show even started), and a grinning Richard Priest in a new white suit. It was a good one. After all was said and done one girl tapped me on the shoulder and said the lights were 'fucking awesome.' Works for me.
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