It's good to have friends. Most of my friends have been really great and supportive about this shit storm of a tour. It is the most cursed outing that I have ever experienced. So far my lighting tech lost his mother and had to go home, another tech disappeared, a third got sick and had to leave. Our drum tech quit, our production manager has quit, and a few days ago our second monitor engineer was fired. I just learned today that the drummer for the support band lost her dad, and the big news...the band has pulled the last week of shows on the tour. I am going home in six days. Quite a few of my friends have offered me sympathy, distractions and even other work if I so choose. My friend Mark (who, in fact, offered me all three) sent me this picture today. He and my friend Nick are visiting some good folks in Australia for a few weeks. They are sitting on a sunny beach somewhere after having surfed all day, and then will most likely go grill some fresh pineapples and drink Bundeberg rum. Lucky, lucky bastards. So here's a bit of me wishing that I was somewhere else for a moment, and here's Nick being Napoleon in the airport. This is my good luck charm.

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