This is just a saga now....
I've missed this place.

Six weeks. I was gone for six weeks. The States, then Japan, then Europe then the UK. Endless, really. When I came home I realized that I've missed really only the most superficial things in my life. I bought these boots before I left. They have been missed. I guess mostly due to their inherent amazing-ness.

I really missed having the best record store on the planet just down the street from my house. I don't really buy much there these days. I guess I mostly ravage the internet for all that it's worth and steal music (I'd hereby like to apologize to Type 0-Negative for downloading their new record. It's really good incidentally), but it's still a good place to be on a foggy day.

It goes without saying that I missed the French brunch that causes dozens of people to spill out into the streets in anticipation (if that's what you can call it when you wait for an hour in the baking sun along with a bunch of people heading to the 'summer of love' festival in the park. Oh yeah, and they have hula hoops, excessive body hair and jingly anklets. Then you realize that you are in line for something called 'Miracle Pancakes.' I think I just saw the Virgin Mary).

I missed you too pal.

I have, in my week off, thus far turned my living room into what can only be described as Best Buy. I had planned on going to Mexico for this week or so break between tours. It's actually a great thing that those plans fell through as there would be one very unhappy UPS guy delivering a lighting desk to a hut on the beach in Baja. It is looking pretty ridiculous though. Even in my living room.

This is mostly in preparation for the bigger shows this month. MSG is going to be a corker. I did one show there with Wilco and The Flaming Lips a few years ago. It was on New Year's, and was amazing, as it would be. This is what the stage is shaping up to look like for these shows. It should prove to be amazing. Or I should say that it damn well better as I've spent the entirety of my first three days back home typing away at a keyboard. Such is life.

Speaking of computers and all things electronic that seem to melt down at my very touch, I bought a new computer the other day. Harley and I made a sort of blood brother pact to get new laptops as we both had old powerbooks that weren't really cutting it anymore. It is amazing how much better my life seems. It's a shallow statement I know, but whatever, I have a sweet new laptop. I emailed Harley and we were both playing flight simulator on Google Earth (if you haven't seen/heard about it then look it up. It's great). I won't really get into the fact that every electronics store within 30 miles was sold out of Apple computers. That's for another day really.
Last week I went out with a Lexi, Yenie and a new friend who works at The Onion. Yeah, he's a riot. We had amazing sushi and sake and then beers at The Page. I woke up the following morning feeling as though I had actually died by way of having a spike hammered through my forehead. I spent a good part of the day in bed reading Zombie comics

That looks an awful lot like Jake the Snake.

Well, it's 10:30 am here. Simon Birch is on TV (I've been catching up on the TV lately in little breaks from work. Legends of the Fall was on yesterday. Everyone dies. I shed a single tear), there's half a filet mignon in the fridge from last night that is screaming 'breakfast' and a new computer to soon enough turn into a smoldering mound of plastic and little electronic parts. Good day.
Six weeks. I was gone for six weeks. The States, then Japan, then Europe then the UK. Endless, really. When I came home I realized that I've missed really only the most superficial things in my life. I bought these boots before I left. They have been missed. I guess mostly due to their inherent amazing-ness.
I really missed having the best record store on the planet just down the street from my house. I don't really buy much there these days. I guess I mostly ravage the internet for all that it's worth and steal music (I'd hereby like to apologize to Type 0-Negative for downloading their new record. It's really good incidentally), but it's still a good place to be on a foggy day.
It goes without saying that I missed the French brunch that causes dozens of people to spill out into the streets in anticipation (if that's what you can call it when you wait for an hour in the baking sun along with a bunch of people heading to the 'summer of love' festival in the park. Oh yeah, and they have hula hoops, excessive body hair and jingly anklets. Then you realize that you are in line for something called 'Miracle Pancakes.' I think I just saw the Virgin Mary).
I missed you too pal.
I have, in my week off, thus far turned my living room into what can only be described as Best Buy. I had planned on going to Mexico for this week or so break between tours. It's actually a great thing that those plans fell through as there would be one very unhappy UPS guy delivering a lighting desk to a hut on the beach in Baja. It is looking pretty ridiculous though. Even in my living room.
This is mostly in preparation for the bigger shows this month. MSG is going to be a corker. I did one show there with Wilco and The Flaming Lips a few years ago. It was on New Year's, and was amazing, as it would be. This is what the stage is shaping up to look like for these shows. It should prove to be amazing. Or I should say that it damn well better as I've spent the entirety of my first three days back home typing away at a keyboard. Such is life.

Speaking of computers and all things electronic that seem to melt down at my very touch, I bought a new computer the other day. Harley and I made a sort of blood brother pact to get new laptops as we both had old powerbooks that weren't really cutting it anymore. It is amazing how much better my life seems. It's a shallow statement I know, but whatever, I have a sweet new laptop. I emailed Harley and we were both playing flight simulator on Google Earth (if you haven't seen/heard about it then look it up. It's great). I won't really get into the fact that every electronics store within 30 miles was sold out of Apple computers. That's for another day really.
Last week I went out with a Lexi, Yenie and a new friend who works at The Onion. Yeah, he's a riot. We had amazing sushi and sake and then beers at The Page. I woke up the following morning feeling as though I had actually died by way of having a spike hammered through my forehead. I spent a good part of the day in bed reading Zombie comics
That looks an awful lot like Jake the Snake.
Well, it's 10:30 am here. Simon Birch is on TV (I've been catching up on the TV lately in little breaks from work. Legends of the Fall was on yesterday. Everyone dies. I shed a single tear), there's half a filet mignon in the fridge from last night that is screaming 'breakfast' and a new computer to soon enough turn into a smoldering mound of plastic and little electronic parts. Good day.
Aww I missed you too, Flewcas Face Pants of the World (TM)!
Good thing we didn't go down to Baja this time after's a tad windy and drizzly there at the moment, as it turns out. Our love nest would have flown away!
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