Things that you do that can't be undone
I feel as if I've lost some momentum from the last run. I've had a busy couple of weeks what with the family in town, the travel, the camping, the driving, the luncay. I missed a good chunk of it all do to being a douche and leaving my laptop in a hotel room in Lisbon. It made it back though. In this:

A few days prior I had a package slip left on my door. I walked to the post office thinking that it was my computer. It wasn't, but it happened to be my new Turbonegro jacket. Things sure could have been worse. So, I had taken a ton of photos from the end of the Euro dates. It was a frustrating tour, but all of them have their moments. Here are a few:
There was the time in Norway when we watched TV on the Radio, who were missing a guitar player, play an amazing set in the middle of the woods (their guitar player turned up 5 minutes after they finished, guitar in hand, looking pretty bummed).

There were all of the times that we drove past flooded campsites and were at least a little thankful that we were on a bus, even if it smelled of burning sulfur.

Speaking of which, there was the time that Harley got caught taping the words 'are shit' in 10 foot high letters after the bus company's name on the side of the bus. I don't think they saw this one though.

Shorthly thereafter he was spotted on a ferry assaulting one of their 'dance dance revolution' machines.

There was the time when Ally drank too much Bishop's Finger on the ferry. I am aware that there are a number of unpleasant images in that sentence.

And the time that the British collectively lost their mind.

And the cup had AIDS.

Towards the end of the tour 'Smell the Glove' arrived. How much blacker could it be? None. I would have to say none more black.

There was also that time that Isis played before us in Sweden. It was really pretty amazing. Metal is loud, but this was intense. Before the first song was over (clocking in at 9 minutes and 120 db) every girl in the tent had left. By the end of the set it looked like people fleeing from a fire in an H&M.

And then the sun refused to set. Neurosis played in Norway at 1 in the morning. Apt says I.

And finally we did festival,

after festival,

after festival...

Until we were just about ready to break.

And then we went home.
A few days prior I had a package slip left on my door. I walked to the post office thinking that it was my computer. It wasn't, but it happened to be my new Turbonegro jacket. Things sure could have been worse. So, I had taken a ton of photos from the end of the Euro dates. It was a frustrating tour, but all of them have their moments. Here are a few:
There was the time in Norway when we watched TV on the Radio, who were missing a guitar player, play an amazing set in the middle of the woods (their guitar player turned up 5 minutes after they finished, guitar in hand, looking pretty bummed).
There were all of the times that we drove past flooded campsites and were at least a little thankful that we were on a bus, even if it smelled of burning sulfur.
Speaking of which, there was the time that Harley got caught taping the words 'are shit' in 10 foot high letters after the bus company's name on the side of the bus. I don't think they saw this one though.
Shorthly thereafter he was spotted on a ferry assaulting one of their 'dance dance revolution' machines.
There was the time when Ally drank too much Bishop's Finger on the ferry. I am aware that there are a number of unpleasant images in that sentence.
And the time that the British collectively lost their mind.
And the cup had AIDS.
Towards the end of the tour 'Smell the Glove' arrived. How much blacker could it be? None. I would have to say none more black.
There was also that time that Isis played before us in Sweden. It was really pretty amazing. Metal is loud, but this was intense. Before the first song was over (clocking in at 9 minutes and 120 db) every girl in the tent had left. By the end of the set it looked like people fleeing from a fire in an H&M.
And then the sun refused to set. Neurosis played in Norway at 1 in the morning. Apt says I.
And finally we did festival,
after festival,
after festival...
Until we were just about ready to break.
And then we went home.
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